Anyways, here are the last pictures from that ranch and from the hunt that I am going to be posting for the next 2 years. No one that I know of has a tag in the same unit that the ranch is in, so these pictures are just for the heck of it, but I love them anyways. I got a few pictures of some nice bulls—one really unique one with a split main beam that I named the Dagger Bull lol,—and a couple pretty nice bucks. Hope you enjoy them and I hope that there aren’t too many of them haha (It probably isn’t possible to have too many pictures of bucks and bulls lol).
Here is a buck that I found while I was on a scouting trip the 3rd week in July. I had my hopes high when the hunt started, but I could never find him again. Not sure what he would have scored, but I’m guessing somewhere around 190” or so. Sweet buck. Wish I could have gotten him lol…
Here’s a few other random pictures/videos from the hunt:
From now on I’ll try to get my brother to post the pictures from the ranch on his blog so you can follow along there instead
His blog is: